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Zodiac Signs and Their Sexual Tendencies 

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Some are insanely good in bed. Every move and whisper can stimulate someone for the best sex. We gathered the zodiac signs that are fantastic in bed to help you find sexual compatibility!

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Their split personalities makes sex enjoyable. They reveal their submissive and powerful sides. Geminis may always spice up sex. Sex gadgets will make their sessions memorable.

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Confident, glamorous, and sexually active. They adore sex and their partner. They can seduce anyone. They enjoy intense foreplay and want to pamper their lover.

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They recognize their kinkiness. Librans are great sex partners. Librans seem to know your sexual wants, therefore sex with them never disappoints.


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When they carry their enigma to bed, it's even more interesting. They enjoy sexual situations. They're domineering but enjoyable in bed. That makes them a fantastic bedmate.

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They feel deeply during sex. They'll comfort you and won't touch you unless you say so. They're patient, but during sex, they'll surprise you with moves you didn't know existed.

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