Why is food fortification important, and what is it?

Fortification is the deliberate addition of vitamins and minerals to a product to increase its nutritional quality and give a public health benefit with low risk. 

Micronutrients added to staples and condiments help avoid large-scale deficiency disorders in regions where the soil or staple foods lack nutrients. 

The FAO lists cereals and cereal-based goods, milk and dairy products, fats and oils, accessory foods, tea and other beverages,  

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Food fortification can also be classed by addition stage: Industry fortification, Biofortification, Vitamin D home fortification 

Fortifying a product requires proof that adding a vitamin or mineral is healthy, safe, and effective.  

One or more countries fortify folate, niacin, riboflavin, thiamine, vitamins A, B6, B12, D, and E.  

Fortification programs include calcium, fluoride, iodine, iron, selenium, and zinc 

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