Multiple Blue Rings

Making A Man Miss You

Allow him to take the lead. If you don't make the first move, he'll have to be the one to contact you.

Don't let him get too close to you. How do you keep his mind on you all the time? Whether you believe it or not, there is something to be said for acting hard to get.

Don't always say yes to him. What should you say to him to make him forget you? The response is unexpectedly short: "No."

Show him how you make his life easier. Sometimes he will not think he desires a serious relationship with you right away.

To keep him around, make your time together great. When you make a man miss you, you change the power play and accelerate his deeper feelings for you.

Avoid reaching him too often. One of the biggest mistakes women make with new boyfriends is having him take charge.

Show you comprehend by listening. Listen and comprehend if you want this guy to think you're special and remember you.