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How To Overcome Jealousy

Learning how to get past your own feelings of envy is the key to success.

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The way something appears is not the only criterion for judging its value. You need not go along with the latest and greatest.


It’s Not About You

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However, there is no need to show anything to anyone. Feel good about yourself if you have achieved happiness in your existence.


Finding Satisfaction

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You could learn someone else's true identity, or you could learn your own.


Look to Yourself, Not to Others

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The quickest and most convenient route is what everyone is after. Nonetheless, there is a greater option than simply fitting in.


Realistic Expectations

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Everyone has Flaws

No one is without flaws or blemishes. But total fulfilment comes from accepting yourself exactly as you are.

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“A flower never thinks of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms.”
