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How to Learn to Let Go

Negative emotions and tension can build up when we try to maintain control over circumstances beyond our reach.

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Whenever something outside of our control appears to be giving us distress, we are often told to let go of it.


What Does Letting Go Mean?

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Putting an end to something is challenging for many different reasons. That we romanticise clinging to things is one of them.


Why Is Letting Go so Hard?

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Often, we think that happiness will come to us once we have achieved the ideal combination of material possessions and life conditions.


Illusion of Control

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Many different explanations are provided below. Freedom, improved connections, and steady development are just a few.


Benefits of Let Go

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When you let go, you set yourself free. Ultimately, the only way to be liberated from the things that cause us suffering is to learn to let go.

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When both people in a partnership are allowed to be themselves, the relationship thrives.
