White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

Find out if you are People-Pleaser?

Having good etiquette and not resorting to verbal bullying is commendable, and that is not what we expect from you.

Multiple Blue Rings

Imagine that you are sick or feeling down and someone requests you to do something that you really don't feel like doing.


You never, ever say NO!

Multiple Blue Rings

You are unquestionably a people-pleaser if you allow other people's opinions and desires to subtly influence even the most fundamental aspects of your existence.


You care a little too much

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It's admirable that you're making an effort to calm a tense situation, but that shouldn't mean you become a wimp in the process.


You apologize. All The Time.

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Making pals is difficult, so making the effort to keep them around is commendable.


You do not let go

Multiple Blue Rings

You let other people take advantage

If you have a habit of putting other people's needs before your own, you can expect to be taken advantage of by those closest to you.

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No “me-time” in your life

You have just as much right to happiness as the other individual does, so don't forget to put yourself first sometimes.
