White Frame Corner
White Frame Corner

Can Laughter Cure All Sadness?

Laughter is good for your body and soul. Humor is good for you, and it is also good for other people.

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Lаughtеr is an important part of social interaction. When people get together to have fun, they lаugh a lot.


Laughter brings people together

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We seem to be designed to have fun and laugh, but something happens as we get older that dampens our desire to do so.


What motivates us to laugh?

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I'm certain that stress, worry, anxiety, and the burdens of adult responsibility play a role in this decreased desire.

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We enjoy those who can make us laugh, and we enjoy being in their company.



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Where there is laughter, there is fun, and where there is fun, there is a sense of belonging and oneness.

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When wе саn mаkе реорlе laugh bу tеllіng a funny ѕtоrу we fееl important іn thеіr lives.
